Thursday, August 12, 2010

Hudak promises to scrap Far North Act

Ontario's Opposition leader says if he's elected, say good-bye to the Far North Act. Tim Hudak is promising to scrap the controversial legislation if it's passed. Hudak says the act does nothing for job creation. He says if the act would have been passed years ago we would never have heard of the the Ring of Fire or the Victor Mine. He says Dalton McGuinty basically wants to turn the far north into a park and kiss all those opportunities good-bye. Hudak says the bill has been rammed through the Legislature without consultation. Pictured: Thunder Bay Chamber of Commerce President Harold Wilson speaks at news conference as Conservative leader Tim Hudak looks on.  Meanwhile, Minister of Natural Resources Linda Jeffrey disagrees with Hudak and notes she's willing to alter the act to accomodate first nations and northern businesses.  Jeffrey was in Thunder Bay Thursday.