Friday, December 9, 2011

No "Bomb"ardier

The police search of the Bombardier plant is now over and no bomb was found.  The plant had to be evacuated Friday afternoon after police say that someone called security at the facility and said there was a bomb in the building.  After that it became somewhat of a spectacle as the entire city transit system was shut down as bus after bus was sent to the Montreal Street facility so workers could have someplace to stay warm.  Eventually they were given the rest of the day off as police searched the  sprawling complex.   It wasn't until about 7:30 Friday evening that police sounded the all clear and handed the plant back over to company management.

GTE Solar coming to council

Council will be getting a presentation from GTE at tonight's meeting.  Councillor Aldo Ruberto says he isn't surprised to see so many solar projects coming to Thunder Bay considering we have the 2nd most sunlight in the country.  The company is hoping to build 3 solar parks in the area.

Final Report on World Junior's coming to council

City Council is going to hear a final report on the World Junior Baseball Championships.  Thunder Bay International Baseball Executive Director Warren Philp says they want to give council some final numbers on summer 2010 event.  Philp says he hopes that this tournament will be the first of many for the city.

Foundation grants almost 120 K

The Thunder Bay Community Foundation is playing Santa Claus for 28 local charity organizations. It's divided close to 120 thousand dollars amongst all of them. Spokesperson Mark Wright says the money will go to meeting a variety of local needs.Wright says the Foundation tried to align its grants with the strategic priorities of the City of Thunder Bay.

Bomb threat forces the evac of Bombardier

A bomb threat at Bombardier has led the the evacuation of all staff at the facility.  Thunder Bay Police Officials say they used the city's transit buses to keep workers warm while a search of the building was conducted after the threat came in just after 12.  Transit services were suspended but have since been resumed.  Bombardier Employees have been moved to a warehouse at the Resolute Mill.

Hospital CEO Salary guidelines touted

The Ontario Hospital Association wants Ontario hospitals to develop guidelines for CEO salaries.  Health Sciences Centre Human Resources Spokesperson Don Halpert is also in favour of the idea.  Halpert says as it is now hospitals pay different amounts and they compete to hire top executives.

Science North unveils planetarium

Science North is over the moon over its new portable digital planetarium for the Northwest. Spokesperson Nicole Chiasson says the inflatable unit is going to make its way to any school or festival that requests it.  It's located at the Boys and Girls Club on Junot Avenue.

SHIFT gives money to United Way

Thunder Bay's Young Professionals Network SHIFT is giving 3-thousand dollars to the United Way.  The money will go towards United Way's GenNext Cabinet.  The cabinet engages youth and teaches them about philanthropy.

Gravelle addresses Injured Workers

MPP Michael Gravelle is taking the call of Thunder Bay's Injured Workers seriously.  The local group is accusing the Liberal Government of cutting benefits for the injured as a way for making up years of underfunding.  The injured workers are rallying at Mini Queen's Park today on James Street.  Gravelle says he's passing on their concerns to the Minister of Labour.

Legion calls for death benefits for all soldiers

The Royal Canadian Legion says it's shameful that unmarried soldiers killed in combat are not eligible for a death benefit. Former local legion President Roy Lamore says the 250 thousand dollar death benefit should be made available to all soldiers. The legion is calling on the Federal Government to expand the benefit to all soldiers killed in action.