Sunday, March 4, 2012

Arrests on South Brodie Street

A 30 year old man from Fort Hope and a 28 year old man from Webequie were arrested early this morning on South Brodie Street after police responded to an assault in progress. One of the men is said to know the victim. The two are charged for robbery and both will be appearing in court today.

Fraser Institute Report

It's a mixed bag for Thunder Bay's 39 elementary schools. In the Report Card on Ontario Elementary Schools 2012, The Fraser Institute ranks half of them at or above the provincial average; the other half falls below. Spokesperson Michael Thomas says low rankings alert officials and parents that something needs to be done.

Wildlife Feeding Prohibition By-Law

The City of Thunder Bay wants to remind citizens of the new Wildlife Feeding Prohibition By-law which was passed on February 27th and is now in effect. The By-law outlines the dangers of feeding deer which includes an increase in unpredictable and aggressive behaviour of the animals, increased chances of car collisions, and the spread of infectious diseases among deer, wildlife, and humans. Anyone found not obeying the by-law will receive a Provincial Offences Act ticket or summons to attend Court along with a possible fine of up to $5000.