Thursday, December 8, 2011

Our MP's are in the dark when it comes to the multi-plex

Our MP's say they haven't been involved in the city's bid for Multi-Plex Funding.  John Rafferty says he wanted to help out but didn't hear from the city.  Bruce Hyer says no one from the city contacted him and until that happens he won't get involved in the project.

The Beacons have been lit

The Beacons on the Waterfront are being tested.  The LED lights could be seen scrolling in morse code yesterday evening and they were visable from good distance away.

Letter shows Hobbs got off with a warning

We now know a little more about what the province's Civilian Police Commission had to say about how it disciplined our mayor. A letter from the Commission to Police Services Board Chair Joe Virdiramo essentially shows that Mayor Keith Hobbs received nothing more than a verbal lashing for his "technical breach of confidentiality". It says he was told what's discussed behind closed doors stays behind closed doors. The letter says the Mayor was spoken to at length about conflicts of interest and was told to educate himself on the rules on how board members are to conduct themselves...and finally the letter says Hobbs should treat his fellow board members better.

Locals weigh in on Attawapiskat

The crisis in Attiwapiskat is shining a bright spotlight on the problems in the First Nations community. We asked people in Thunder Bay if they agree with the way Harper Government has handled the crisis.

United Way still needs another million

The United Way campaign is still just under a million dollars short of its goal with 25 days to go.  Just over 1.5 million dollars has been raised so far. 

Housing starts up slight in November

2011 should close out on a decent note for new housing construction in Thunder Bay. Government figures from Canada Mortgage and House show detached housing starts in November are ahead of the 10 year average. Meantime 2011 is the strongest year for the construction of new row houses, apartments and condos in since the early 90's.

Past Legion President on Japan's apology

Japan has apologized to Canada over it's treatment of Second World War Prisoners.  Roy Lamore is the former local legion President and says an apology is an easy way out. Lamore adds you have to accept it regardless because it happened. Japan apologized Thursday for the harsh mistreatment of Canadian prisoners. Lamore notes there are still some POW's still living in the City.

LU Award nominations open

Lakehead University wants to recognize members of the community that help them on a regular basis.  It's part of the fellow awards that recognize individuals who have helped the University grow over the years.  Nominations can be made for volunteers, educators and donors up until January 6th.

Hydro Crews close west lane of Dawson Road

Thunder Bay Hydro is closing down the west bound lane of Dawson Road. Crews are working in the area of Hilldale Road and Hazelwood Drive. The lane closure will take place in the day only and will move as the work progresses down the road.

P.A. man gets military award from G.G.

A Port Arthur Afghanistan vet is being honoured by the Governor General.  Chief Warrant Officer Shawn Stevens is receiving the Meritorious Service Cross.  Stevens was the regimental sergeant-major of the battle group in Afghanistan from October 2009 to May 2010.

NOMA on Environment Report

The Northwestern Ontario Municipal Association is tearing a strip of Ontario's Environmental Commissioner. In his most recent report, Gordon Miller suggested the Caribou Conservation Plan would have only a limited impact on local communities.  NOMA Vice-President Dave Canfield says Miller has his facts wrong.

Manitou Apartment fire last night

Thunder Bay's Fire Department is investigating a third floor apartment fire on Manitou Street. The apartment building was evacuated last night just after seven o'clock. No one was in the apartment at the time of the fire. Crews quickly extinguished the fire and minimal damage is reported.